Ballarat Cross Country Championships

Ballarat is a frequently used venue for AV Winter races and the 8 kilometre Cross Country for open men was held at the Mt Helen Campus of Ballarat University. There was a reasonable field in attendance, and Box Hill had 8 Open age competitors in the men’s race and three in the Women’s race.

Conditions were very reasonable by Ballarat standards. The course was softer than many expected and wearing spikes was an advantage.

The Women’s 6 K Cross Country race turned up a surprise result for some spectators, with Sarah Jamison demonstrating her versatility comprehensively defeating Anna Thompson. Jamieson was not headed and gave an impressive account of herself, easily defeating Thompson on a course which suited the stronger runners. Nicky Chapple started well but surrendered a couple of places as the race progressed. She ultimately placed 6th, backed up by Megan Sloane in 32nd place (2nd in the 45 plus age group), and Carly Carmody who came 65th.

The men’s race was a much more interesting event with a number of changes of lead. Lee Troop made a decisive move in the second half of the race, outpacing Gemechu Woyecha (Don), who dropped back, and Mike Power (GH) and Simon Field (St K). Field has had an impressive Winter season and has been extremely competitive in each of his races. Richard Jeremiah was also prominent. Box Hill had five well placed athletes, with Luke Yeatman being the best-performed on the day. Luke has had a number of good performances and he looked solid during his race.

Graeme Olden ran a sound race to place 27th, followed in shortly after by Sam Hassett who is consolidating his fitness and doing better in the later races and Marcus Tierney, who had a better first half of the race. Dale Bickham finished four places behind Tierney, again being more prominent in the early stages of the race. This has been a fine season for Dale, and he has performed very well in the road races.

Chris O’Connor placed 6th in his age category and he made up the senior team finishing 74th. Tony Bird, 1st in his age category, had another tight battle with Adam Pepper, beating him by two places on this occasion.


1 Lee TROOP Geelong 24:29
2 Michael POWER GH 24:38
3 Simon FIELD St K 24:55
4 Richard W JEREMIAH Geelong 25:10
5 Gemechu WOYECHA Don
21 Luke YEATMAN BH 26:43.1
27 Graeme OLDEN BH 27:19.3
31 Samuel HASSETT BH 27:30.4
32 Marcus TIERNEY BH 27:36.5
36 Dale BICKHAM BH 27:54.9
74 Christopher O’CONNOR BH 29:36.3
88 Anthony BIRD BH 30:07.3
90 Adam PEPPER BH 30:09.4

Team 3rd


1. Sarah JAMIESON Ess 20:35.0
2. Anna THOMPSON GH 21:05
3. Clair FEARNLEY KNA 22:04
4. Kelli BAIRD BYC 22:18
5. Lauren CROWE DV 22:24
6 Nicole CHAPPLE BH 22:42
32 Megan SLOANE BH 26:25
65 Carly CARMODY BH 31:03



1. Clare MCKECHNIE SBE 10:54
2. Jocelyn KEAGE BOH 11:20
3. Emily SMITH BOH 11:28
6. Prue HEALY BOH 12:14

Team 1st

1. Hayley TOMLINSON BOH 23:04
2. Fiona NASH DON 23:22
3. Zhoe WARRINGTON FKN 23:44
5. Sarah CANT BOH 25:32
6. Sarah WALKER BOH 27:07

Team 1st