Club 10 Mile Championship

On Sunday 15 June, 8 hardy runners embarked on the Annual Club 10 mile race.

It was a crisp morning, and the runners were despatched just after 9.00 a.m. Julie Milner and Kate Wall accompanied the runners for part of the course on their bicycles. Andrew White and Stuart Watson, a recently-joined and talented young athlete, soon charged to the lead and were running side by side through the first checkpoint, followed by Graeme Olden, Dave Ayers, Ian Jones, Chris O’Connor and Rachel Johnson. Talitha Crawford was undertaking a three hour training session, preparing for a forthcoming Marathon attempt, and she was on the course at the same time as the race, having started much earlier.

Andrew White finally broke clear of Stuart Watson in the second sector of the race and maintained and extended his lead to win the race.

Stuart Watson ran an impressive race and cracked the one hour barrier, which is a fine achievement. Graeme Olden placed third, with Rachel Johnson, Chris O’Connor and Talitha Crawford following them in.

David Ayers and Ian Jones ran the 5 mile course (8 k.).

Thanks to Chris O’Connor and Julie Milner for purchasing and setting up the post-race breakfast, to Graeme Olden for checking the course and to Ian Sloane for recording times.

Heading2 Results

1. Andrew White         57:12
2. Stuart Watson        59:25
3. Graeme Olden         63:25
4. Rachel Johnson       72:54
5. Chris O’Connor       75:21

5 mile course
1. David Ayers          32:42		
2. Ian Jones            37:07