Club 5 km Handicap

33 runners and several spectators turned up for the club’s 5k handicap event along Gardiners Creek on Saturday 12th April.

Congratulations to Michael Dowel who narrowly won a closely fought event, just holding out Chris O’Connor at the finish after an epic battle over the last kilometre. Andrew White ran the fastest time for the day, while Rachel Johnson was the fastest female.

Thanks to everyone who took part especially Ian Sloane for preparing the handicaps, Julie Milner who organised and cooked the BBQ, Rob Falkenberg who helped with the results and Graeme Olden who measured and marked out the course.


Place                Finish Time  Handicap    Time
1   Michael Dowel       27:11      10:30      16:41
2   Chris O'Connor      27.11      10:00      17:11
3   Mitchell Dyer       27.19       8:00      19:19
4   Bill Dyer           27:36       8:50      18:46
5   Graeme Olden        27:42      10:30      17:12
6   Rachel Johnson      27:45       9:05      18:40
7   Dave Featherston    27:48       9:05      18:43
8   Brodie Cross        27:54       8:00      19:54
9   Cameron Baker       27:56       7:00      20:56
10  Sam Dipnall         28:06      10:00      18:06
11  Braeden Cross       28:07       7:30      20:37
12  Breanne Cross       28:08       4:40      23:28
13  Jocelyn Keage       28:12       9:05      19:07
14  Mark Stewart        28:14       3:05      25:09
15  James Filshie       28:23       4:50      23:33
16  Andrew White        28:33      12:30      16:03
17  David Cross         28:37       6:40      21:57
18  Lisa Krakowiak      28:37       4:30      24:07
19  Hayley Tomlinson    28:39       7:50      20:49
20  Coreena Cleland     28:39       7:50      20:49
21  Rosie Ditton        28:46       0:00      28:46
22  Talitha Crawford    28:49       7:45      21:04
23  Rebecca Marchant    28:50       2:20      26:30
24  Abbie Freestone     28:50       2:30      26:20
25  Alex Patrick        29:21       2:50      26:31
26  David Stevens       29:40       6:20      23:20
27  Kate Beever         29:50       3:00      26:50
28  Sarah Oldfield      30:07       3:30      26:37
29  Ian Jones*          30:24       6:00      22:24
30  Alex Pocklington    32:09       1:00      31:09
31  Blake Lucas         32:10       4:40      27:37
    Rosie Cleland       25:56
    Cameron Sherry      DNF
*took a wrong turn (there is always one!)